Visit curious creatures

Have you ever looked a dwarf mongoose or Chinese squirrel in the eyes? At Animal Farm you can meet them at the Willem Alexander Park in Beverwijk. You can also get to know the rhea and iguana who live there too.

“At Animal Farm, you can bump into exotic creatures such as an iguana a Chinese squirrel and a porcupine.”

At Animal Farm you can spot lots of different animals; from porcupines to tortoises and mongooses. They’ve even got a nasua and an Indian bar-headed goose, which are not the kind of animals you’d usually find at petting farms. This zoo on an island in the Willem Alexander Park is run by volunteers and admission is free! When the kids have had enough of the zoo, there’s a playground too.

Hey, did you know?

One of the Animal Farm residents is a small African predator called the dwarf mongoose. This little animal can jump to a height of nearly a metre, which is almost three times its own length! 

  Dierentuin Animal Farm
Adres: Willem Alexanderplantsoen, Beverwijk

Dierentuin Animal Farm