Miffy on Holiday

Sleeping in a genuine Miffy bedroom; it’s almost as if you are on holiday with Miffy!


Adventures with Miffy

A dream come true!

A great experience that is just as amazing for the parents as it is for the children. As if that is not enough, you can also go on an adventure in the Miffy Museum, and that will of course make your Miffy experience absolutely fantastic!

The cutest Miffy room ever is located in our super trendy hostel Stayokay Utrecht Centrum. Utrecht is the home town of Dick Bruna, Miffy's creator!

What will you find in the Miffy room?

You'll find Miffy everywhere in the room, even outside the hostel Miffy will be by your side!

The Miffy Room includes:

  • your booked stay(s)
  • made beds
  • shower and toilet in the room incl. towels
  • Miffy shower gel and shampoo
  • a full breakfast with real Miffy plates and cutlery
  • a family ticket to the Miffy Museum (closed on Mondays)

Have you heard of our 2nd Miffy Room already? Come and stay with Miffy and the animals.



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