
5x The Most Beautiful Cycling Routes in the Netherlands

29 July 2024

Cycling holiday? Do it! The Netherlands has hundreds of beautiful cycling routes along the most extraordinary places. Places you would never discover otherwise. We wrote this blog especially to highlight the most beautiful cycling routes in the Netherlands, to tell you why the Netherlands is the perfect cycling country and to give you the most practical cycling tips.

Top 5 Most Beautiful Cycling Routes in the Netherlands

Holland is a typical cycling country, we all know that. But exploring the Netherlands by bike is something that far from everyone does! A missed opportunity, because a cycling holiday is an excellent idea for a weekend break or a short holiday.

1. Around Texel

Ranger's tip (30.6 km)

Jump on the bike at Stayokay Texel, feel the wind in your hair, make your way through the old mudflats' polder Waalenburg, and you'll see the meadowy views from the mudflat dyke. Birds, flowers and insects, during this cycling route you'll be surrounded by nature. On the way you will receive tips from the forester about the most fun and beautiful spots.

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2. Woudenberg

Cycle through Woudenberg (35 km)

While cycling through the forests of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park, past the many estates and castles and the vast fields, you discover the great nature, but you also explore every detail. Rolling hills, stylish country estates, winding paths, picturesque villages, dense forests and beautiful dune and heathland areas; the cycling routes on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug introduce you to the diversity of this beautiful region.

How about a cycling route through Woudenberg, close to Stayokay Bunnik? This 35 kilometer cycling tour takes you through the Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park and the Gelderse Vallei. In the valley you will find lowlands with meadows and beautiful views. Once on the Grebbe Line, you will cycle past the remains of the Second World War.

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3. North Sea Coast Route

& National Park Zuid-kennemerland (26 km)

Start your adventure at Stayokay Haarlem to go to the beautiful Dutch dunes and discover the beauty of the Dutch coast. The National Park is home to many types of birds, deer, rabbits, butterflies, but also wild horses, Shetland ponies and Scottish highlanders. You could easily spot a bison, too. This cycling route also takes you along the North Sea beaches. So, a refreshing swim is never far away.

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4. Tour of the Posbank

Through National Park Veluwezoom (56 km)

Not far from Stayokay Arnhem is the start of a cycling route that will take you over the Posbank. This is a part of National Park Veluwezoom. The cycling route leads through beautiful forests and heathlands. These heathlands are at their prettiest in August and September. Also don't miss the charming villages of Velp, Rheden, Spankeren and Laag-Soeren!

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5. Royal Route

By Paleis Het Loo (37 km)

Just North of Apeldoorn you can find one of the most special cycling routes of the Netherlands. This 37-kilometre long Royal route cuts right through the Royal woods near Apeldoorn. On the way, don't forget to visit the beautiful Paleis het Loo. Stayokay Apeldoorn is the ideal starting point to discover this route.

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Holland as a Cycling Country, Why Bike in the Netherlands?

As you probably already know, the Netherlands is a typical cycling country. With even more bikes than inhabitants, you could say that cycling is a big part of Dutch culture. Not surprisingly, because the Netherlands is a perfect country for cycling! We will now explain why.

To start with, no other country has as many cycling routes and cycle paths as the Netherlands. With up to 37,000 kilometres (!) of cycle paths, you can really get anywhere by bike. The so-called cycling junctions network leads you via numbered signs along the most beautiful cycling paths in the country. Cycling in the Netherlands is also very safe. Because the infrastructure is geared to cyclists and drivers in the Netherlands are used to these two-wheeled vehicles in traffic, you can use your bike with confidence.

Of course, the flat landscape is also very beneficial for your legs. So you do not have to tire yourself out as much and you can fully enjoy your still sporty ride. And flat landscape boring? No way! The Netherlands is not that big, so you will cycle through various types of areas in a short time.

Practical Tips for Cyclists

Before embarking on the adventure, it is smart to think about what is involved in such a cycling trip. Whether you are going on a fanatical cycling holiday or just want to go for a relaxed ride on a sunny Saturday; a good beginning is half the battle.

Tip 1: For example, choose to decide your route in advance. That way, you can figure out what you would like to see and how many kilometres you want to cover. Cycling is obviously most fun in a beautiful area, plus it's not useful to find out halfway through your route that you don't really feel like it anymore, but still have to cycle 10 kilometres to get home.

Tip 2: It is also important, especially for longer distances or cycling holidays, to check your bike well in advance. Are both tyres properly inflated? Are my brakes working properly? Do my lights still work? For real fanatics, it is also useful to make a packing list before departure. For example, consider bringing extra lights or a tyre repair kit. Waterproof panniers can also come in very handy on rainy days.

Tip 3: Are you going away for a while and do you have a lot of luggage with you? Then think carefully about streamlining your luggage as efficiently as possible. Don't take too much with you and make sure your stuff is distributed fairly and evenly on both sides of the bike. Place the heavy items below and lighter ones on top and make sure the luggage does not extend beyond the handlebars. It is also recommended to hang about two-thirds of the weight on the rear fork and the rest on the front fork.

Looking for more fun outdoor activities? Then check out our blog on hiking routes! Hiking on the Veluwe or getting a breath of fresh air on the Wadden Islands, lovely right?